Saturday, December 28, 2019
Set Small Goals and Work Faster and More Efficiently
Set Small Goals and Work Faster and More EfficientlySet Small Goals and Work Faster and More EfficientlyMaking a list of things to do each day (or week or month) and checking off items you have accomplished may sound like just another thing to do. When done properly, keeping a tally of completed tasks can help you work mora efficiently and offer you small emotional rewards to keep you motivated. Think Small to Accomplish Big Things If all of your goals involve long-term objectives or your projects are large and involved, break them down into something you can do that you can check off on a daily basis. For example, you might make a check item work two hours on the Smith project. Checking off items as you go helps you feel like you are actually accomplishing something and getting closer to results. Kids countdown the days to birthdays and holidays for this reason - each step (day) that brings them closer to their goal offers some tiny emotional reward. Measuring progress in steps is the most effective way to quit smoking or to lose weight. Smokers are not told to focus on quitting for the rest of their lives but to count one day at a time as a success. Dieters are told not to focus on the overwhelming task of having to lose large amounts of weight - a daunting task that can cause some to give up before even trying, and so are instead encouraged to focus on losing the first five pounds, and then another, and another. If you are having trouble meeting certain goals, do not let your negativity take over because you are simply looking at a picture too large to feel anything but defeated this will only cause you to feel even more ineffective and less powerful. Instead, look at your goals which may simply be too big or unrealistic. Create a new item(s) on your list that you can accomplish. Rather than focusing on shortcomings and failures reassess your goals and steps to make them more realistic and easier to accomplish. Getting the Little Things out of the W ay Can Offer Big Emotional Rewards Getting the little things out of the way can help you focus better on the larger tasks at hand When you let little things (like returning phone calls) pile up you will begin to feel overwhelmed when all those little things have suddenly combined into one big thing to deal with. Think about letting the laundry pile up for a week - a couple of pairs of socks does not amount to much by themselves, but when combined with a weeks worth of shirts, pants, towels, etc., your one small laundry load turns into two or three you have to deal with. Try to get one thing you dislike doing or that has been pressing on your mind out of the way early in your day. Then you dont have to deal with it weighing on you and you can more easily move onto the next project. An added plus you will feel really good about accomplishing something you didnt want to do. Remember, we all need certain psychological boosts and emotional rewards to feel good about ourselves, others, and the things that we do. In the business world, kudos, praise, and thanks often go without being said. Setting goals and then accomplishing them is a good substitute because it will help you feel better about yourself and the world around you.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Papers Sought for Special Journal Issue
Papers Sought for Special Journal Issue Papers Sought for Special Journal Issue Papers Sought for Special Journal IssueThe ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (JMSE) is currently accepting technical papers for a special issue focusing on the forming and joining of lightweight and multi-material systems. The deadline for submitting a paper for the issue is Dec. 1.With the special issue of JSME, the journals editors aim to assemble a collection of technical papers that will enhance the understanding of material deformation processes expand the lightweight material forming and multi-material joining processes and modeling capability promote research and development activities on forming and joining new materials and disseminate RD related to new forming and joining technologies at length scales varying from micro- to macro-scale. In addition, the publication will address recent advances in cold, warm and hot lightweight material forming processes, including deep drawing, hydroforming, stretch forming, extrusion, rolling, forging, explosive forming, superplastic forming, laser forming, and novel forming processes for materials. It will also encompass joining processes for multi-material systems, such as aluminum to high strength steel aluminum to high strength aluminum magnesium to steel and aluminum to composites.The issues guest editors, who will review the submissions, are seeking papers covering a number of topics, including computational methods in the modeling and designing of forming and joining processes new and emerging forming and joining technologies special concerns associated with the forming of lightweight materials, including titanium, magnesium, aluminum and advanced high-strength steel fracture and failure anisotropic yield functions and constitutive modeling tribology microstructure evolution and characterization in forming and joining processes joining of dissimilar materials and forming and joining of c omposites. JMSE Forming and Joining of Lightweight and Multi-material Systems, which will be edited by Dr. Y. Lawrence Yao of Columbia University, is scheduled to be published in October 2015. If you are interested in submitting a paper for the issue, visit http//
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Quick Guide to Networking and Job Searching on Facebook
Quick Guide to Networking and Job Searching on facebook incQuick Guide to Networking and Job Searching on facebook inc2When it comes to finding a job, Facebook might not be the first site that comes to mind. And why would it? Its not exactly like job deutsche bundespostings regularly bubble through the news feed between that cute cat video and that TMI post about an acquaintances recent battle with the flu. But if youre not using Facebook in your job search, youre missing out on a huge opportunity- thousands ofAmericans have used Facebook to land the job of their dreams (or at least a job). Here are just a few ways you can use Facebook to your advantage throughout your job search.Heres a quick guide to networking and job search on Facebook1. Get your profile and settings ready to goIf youre going to use Facebook for professional purposes, its important you update your profile so that its as professional and illuminating to potential employers or recruiters as possible. A few things t o look out forPrivacy Settings. When youre really trying to balance the personal and professional aspects of your profile, its best to create a separate list for professional contacts and categorize them accordingly. This way, you can choose to limit their ability to see incriminating photos from that wildbret vacation or, say, that recent political rant, which may be unnecessarily alienating. Or, you knowjust stop posting that kind of stuff on Facebook.Keywords. The great thing about Facebook is that it can connect a thriving population of professionals, regardless of locale. But it cant connect you with that recruiter from across the country if your profile doesnt have industry or position-specific keywords. Do your research, and find the most relevant ones for you. If you are looking for a job in a specific locale, make sure youve added your city and state, too.About Me = Elevator Pitch. You dont actually have to be in an elevator to give a great elevator pitch. Take the time to develop one of your own that succinctly describes what you do and how you do it, sprinkling in a few interesting and unique details to really make it pop. This will serve the function of fleshing out your About Me so that all of your contacts have a good sense of what you do, and it will also be convenient to have as you do more of a traditional search in parallel.2. Learn What Networking Means in an Online EnvironmentThe great thing about Facebook is that it can get you one step closer to the kind of in-person relationship building that most often gets people jobs, and it can do this on a greater scale than you could ever get using only face to face routes. To really take advantage of all that Facebook has to offer, its best to use a complementary in-person and online networking approach.Update your status. In the pre-Facebook days, lighting up your network meant announcing to everyone you knew friends, colleagues, family, acquaintances that you were on the hunt, whether by phone , letter or a nice chat in the grocery store. While those methods still work just fine, its much easier and just as effective to broadcast the specifics of your hunt via status updates on Facebook. Dont go overboard, of course, but the more you provide information or even humorous updates about your hunt, the more likely you will be to come to the top of a contacts mind when something at their own work opens up.Join the right groups. From alumni groups to professional interest groups, take advantage of every network thats remotely relevant to your hunt. In alumni groups, reach out directly to alumni who work at companies that interest you, and nurture the relationship. In professional groups, exchange insider tips, share your advice and monitor the feeds for jobs posted by community members. Remember to think beyond your immediate industry to complementary industries, too.Like influential people, pages, and companies. leid only will this keep you up to date with the latest job openi ngs and news coming out of your industry or dream company, but youll also find yourself a helpful community on the site pages, allowing for more relationship building. Whats more, many influencers and influential groups also sponsor, organize, or speak at conferences or events, which youll want to attend for both educational and networking purposes.Merge the online and in-person. Job seekers that really use Facebook successfully will have a dual online and in-person strategy for relationship building. Start by commenting on other peoples comment threads on pages or boards, and reaching out to them directly to let them know what you do and how much you admire their work. When youre both attending the same conference or networking event, youll have a much easier time connecting something you should then follow up with online post-event.3. Know and Promote Your BrandWhen you get that classic question, What would you say you do here exactly? its important that you have all your selling points ready to go. Even better establish your personal brand so well on Facebook ahead of time, no on even has to ask you that question.Choose a professional photo and stick with it throughout your search. Humans are visual creatures, and a recruiter will be more likely to zupflmmel your face out if they see the same photo crop up throughout their searches.Write your copy. Beyond just your elevator pitch, which will benefit from key, bulleted points, make sure the quotes in your profile represent you well. You also might consider developing a snappy, memorable headline for the beginning of your About Me page.Create a business page and establish your expertise. Not only is a business page a great way to keep your personal and professional life separate and to rank you high in non-Facebook search results, but its also an easy way to establish your professional expertise. Use the pages notes feature to blog about industry relevant topics, and promote your pages with the help of a soc ial media guide.4. Use multiple approaches on one platformJust because youre on Facebook, doesnt mean you cant take advantage of outside sites and apps. In fact, the more the merrierTake advantage of Facebook job apps. Whether its applying for positions on Jobviteor networking on Branchout, use Facebook apps to simplify and centralize your search.Connect other social media sites. If you use Twitter and LinkedIn, have your professional updates and posts automatically post to your Facebook page, so you can take advantage of all that multiple platforms have to offer.With over 300 million active users on Facebook, there are few platforms with as much as potential for effective job-centric networking. So get that profile in order, research your keywords, and start job searching on FacebookTodays guest post comes to us from Kyra Kuik. Kyra is a twenty something writer and blogger who works for acreative internet marketing companyin Seattle, WA. You can connect with Kyra viaTwitter.Readers , what are you thoughts about job searching on Facebook? Have you tried it?
Friday, December 13, 2019
The truth about 3 great career tips that youll never hear
The truth about 3 great career tips that youll never hearThe truth about 3 great career tips that youll never hearThe career advice we receive changes as we age. As children, were encouraged to dream big about the things we want to accomplish in life. We grow up and assume well do what we love.As we become adults, the message starts to focus on how we can be successful. We begin to look at the subjects in which we excel in school. Grades become the measuring stick of our future.Most of all, were told to be practical, find a good job, and stay there.Those messages muddle our thinking when we seek out career advice. We look for ways to be successful rather than pursue the things we love. Too often, success is where we stop on our journey to what we truly want to do in life.It takes mental toughness to say, I want to create my own path because it may not be where you found success. You may need to move out of your comfort zone to escape the mediocrity that has been aided and abetted by your career choices.Success and self-awareness can happen at the saatkorn time, but they are not the same thing. If our quest for success is not in alignment with what matters most to us, well be left empty and disappointed in the end.Success is a competitive game. It triggers a breathless sprint to be the happiest, the richest, the sexiest, the most admired- you get the picture. This is the feedback loop from hell because todays success story is always replaced by tomorrows newer, better thing.The Stoics would say that being a good person, doing what matters most to you, and doing the right thing are the important things in life. Its OK if you dont find the cure for cancer or write the great American novel. What is important is choosing what matters most to you in life. And, what does not matter.As successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners, youve treated your career as a business. A business becomes prosperous when it has a clear vision for itself in the marketplace. G oals come later, after the vision is defined.The same goes for you. In the absence of a vision for your life, goals are nothing more than a long to-do list.Here is the truth about 3 great career tips that you will never hear- they are simple, but very important, if you want a career built around what is meaningful to you1. Answer the right questionThis is a clarifying exercise I did while in seminary. We turned to the person next to us and asked, What do you want? We asked the question and waited for the answer. Then we asked it again and again- fifteen times. At first the answers were predictable I want a new car, I want a bigger house, I want to make more money, etc.After the mind is cleared of the superfluous stuff, deeper issues start to come out. I want to be loved, I want to serve God, I want to help people tap into their hausintern strength.TIPThe key is asking the same question fifteen times to dig beneath the surface to uncover what matters most to you. Everyones answers wi ll be different, and the person to whom you are talking doesnt even need to be a friend, but it does need to be someone you trust.2. Remember the crossroadsWe have all been forced to make choices. Many of them had little impact on the direction of our life. Some, however, were big ones- crossroads choices- that moved us in a new direction. For example in my second year at college I had to choose my major. My heart told me to pursue a degree in history, but my head told me that a degree in business management would be more marketable.After I retired from the FBI, I knew I wanted to go back to school. I found myself revisiting the same question again, I decided not to pursue the history degree and enrolled at San Francisco Theological Seminary. Any doubt I had about whether history would ever be more than a hobby welches now firmly decided- it would not.TIPConcentrate on one period of your life at a timeGo back to a particular period in your life and identify a crossroad eventWrite up three paragraphs describing the crossroad event as best you canFocus on the key factors that influenced your decisionWould those same factors influence your decision today?3. Embrace your historyDo not fear the future instead, read the past.Dont live in the past, but its a great place to visit. Looking back, for most people, is usually a mixed bag. There are bright moments, but there are also shadows. To truly understand ourselves, however, we need to delve into both the light and the shadow.Life is hard. Pain is inevitable. Growth is optional.It does no good to make excuses or blame others for your situation. Successful people do not see themselves as a victim- ever Instead, they recognize that their situation may not be perfect right now but they also know they have the power to change it.One of the most important tools an investigator uses is surveillance. It allows agents to gain an understanding of the targets habits, routines, and contacts.TIPdistributionspolitik yourself und er surveillance. Go back in your history and identify an inflection point- actions, people, ideas, or events that moved your life in a new direction.How did you change during that period? How did it contribute to what you are today? To assist with this, recall the followingKey peopleActivities that demanded time and attentionImportant ideasThe nature of your inner life dreams for your life, longings, and emotionsThe nature of your health exercise, sports, and illnessCreative impulses that shaped youExternal events that shaped youSummaryIf you dont grow, everything becomes a repetition of the past. As leader of your life, decide which behaviors served you well enough that you want to repeat. Conversely, identify the behaviors and reactions that you dont want to repeat so you can let go of what doesnt work for you.Thisarticlefirst appeared
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Rumors, Lies and How to Make a Simple Resume
Rumors, Lies and How to Make a Simple Resume The Key to Successful How to Make a Simple Resume As soon as you have your online resume prepared to go, dont be scared to share it A resume, in reality, is your own bonafide advertising document. Finding a testimonial is often as simple as asking a colleague, teacher or previous employer to compose a few sentences about you. Usually its sufficient to include a couple of testimonials in your resume. Sample resumes can be obtained for every single job possible and you are able to download many specific samples at no cost so as to increase your resume. PDF documents look the exact saatkorn on every computer, and that means you wont have to be worried about any formatting inconsistencies. Resumes dont have many ways that could make then stick out above all else. The Importance of How to Make a Simple Resume A lot of people are accustomed to writing cover letters and resumes in a particular format. For almost whatever you want to i nclude on a resume, theres a category to help organize it. Resume tips for felons are a big assistance. When it is government jobs or notlage its important to boost your resume by including numerical outcomes. Resume writing Objective is a central section in any type of resume. As your principal advertising and marketing piece, your resume says a good deal about you. Simple resumes must be clean and professional with respect to the plan, the formatting, and the content. The Chronological Resume is the most popular format and it also the simplest to develop. Theres no demand for graphics or fancy color because the applicant would like to portray solely their info in a plain and concise method. Also consider methods to make each page feel slightly more cohesive and stand-alone. Or one may need a skill based resume which helps to emphasize your abilities and achievements that are directly pertinent to a particular job target thats also offered. Another benefit of simple resume examples is they can be put to use as a springboard for a variety of jobseekers to produce a more elaborate, creative resume or to adapt as necessary for each person. Top How to Make a Simple Resume Choices Choosing which to use is dependent upon the sort of job which you are applying for and your degree of experience. If youre a career changer, a combination resume lets you highlight relevant transferrable abilities and accomplishments while additionally offering a snapshot in your background. Bear in mind the purpose of a well written resume is to secure you to the work interview. You also need to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requirements of the job which youre applying for. The point is to not only underline the skills you have that are related to the job which youre applying to, but in addition provide your possible employer with a chronological record of the jobs youve held before. Still, it is a good concept to mak e your resume reflect your perfect work atmosphere. Developing a great resume is the very best way youre able to make that first impression. Deciding upon the proper format is always important so guarantee the format you select is linked to the job and reflects your personality and techniques. You would like to remain easily readable and keep up a professional appearance. Theres an excellent chance it wont include all the keywords set out in the work description. Speaking of unique, the most important target of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for equal job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Your job (while youre attempting to find a job) is to make certain to fit what theyre searching for.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Most Noticeable Sample Freelance Writing Resume
Most Noticeable Sample Freelance Writing Resume The Dos and Donts of Sample Freelance Writing Resume Make certain that your freelance resume can assist you in getting the interest of your prospective employer. You need to transition or moonlight for a freelance writer, but dont have any proof on the internet that you can even write. If youre asking for work thats a stretch, you must do extra work. There are already lots of freelance jobs in need of highly technical applicants to supply the requirements of the company operations of the organization. Knowing the distinction between a resume and course load vitae is a lot mora crucial before you decide on a template. A simple online search will result in a huge volume of knowledge on how best to create a resume, the best method to design and style a resume, the perfect way to amaze companies. Furthermore, it is going to supply you with a design of the resume which can be utilized to help to make your personal. For management, it truly is beneficial to get a skilled design mainly because it is going to offer an exceptional effect to one of your long-term employers. Whatever They Told You About Sample Freelance Writing Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why There are a number of different kinds of Professional ResumeA samples. Many are highly-reputed. You dont need to wait weeks to see your very first sample. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Sample Freelance Writing Resume Freelance translation jobs pay quite well, but its not exactly simple money. The actual folks highly praise our essay help site. There are plenty of resume templates which are freely available online. An easy Google search can result in a huge quantity of information on the best way to publish a resume, how to style a resume, the best way to win over companies. If youre an advertising professional, your resume needs to offer your expertise and track record to prospective employers, much like any other bit of marketing material. For executives, its helpful to acquire a specialist design since it will give a productive impression to one of your upcoming organisations. You also have to be in a position to grasp the very best possible information for the customers resume. For professionals, it really is beneficial to have a whole specialist style since it will give a fantastic impression to any future employers. Pretty quickly, you will begin to observe how many and what schrift of resumes youll want to develop. Youre able to create sample parts of content you wish to get paid to write about. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Sample Freelance Writing Resume When youre finished, you have your initial on-line sample that youre able to share on social networking, add to your portfolio and provide in your pitch. You dont need to have an extra. You may probably get by with no more than two or three primary resumes, which you are going to then adapt further for certain customers. Understanding Sample Freel ance Writing Resume There are lots of set of templates to be found on the world wide web. Background Freelance translation is an ideal job for everyone who knows more than 1 language. In any case, you dont need to look any further as we have all of the freelance resume templates youll ever require To assist you in getting started, weve got an extensive library of resume templates that are totally free to download.
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